NASA Video : Earth From Space Real Footage - Video From The International Space Station ISS

by Marketing, 9 years ago
7 1
Beautiful video of Earth as seen from the International Space Station. This is HD footage captured by NASA HDEV cameras on board the ISS.

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PRE-RECORDED FOOTAGE - For the latest LIVE Video go here:

This footage was taken from the ISS live stream.

Thanks for viewing - Please check out my other Youtube videos :

Edited footage from the ISS - Earth from space - Continuous stream of amazing images of Earth as seen from the International Space Station. New footage added daily , over 24 hours of unique content and growing.

The original footage from the Space Station contains many breaks and pauses - these hopefully have all been edited out - there may be one or two of a relatively short nature that have been overlooked

Thanks to Kevin McLeod for the music
Peace of Mind
Almost in F
Music for Manatees

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