Juno: Mission to Jupiter 360 Video (Narrated)
by Multimediální Audiovisuální Produkce, 9 years ago
Fly along with NASA's Juno spacecraft at Jupiter. Turn on your sound to find out more about the planet, the mission and the spacecraft. Click and drag the view on your computer, or move your mobile device up and down and around to explore the entire 360-degree experience. This experience was made before Juno arrived at Jupiter on July 4 and uses mission animations. Note: Not all browsers support viewing 360 videos. YouTube supports playback of 360-degree videos on computers using Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Opera browsers. Use the YouTube app to view it on a smart phone.
For more on the mission, visit http://nasa.gov/juno and http://missionjuno.swri.edu.
For more on the mission, visit http://nasa.gov/juno and http://missionjuno.swri.edu.
Multimediální Audiovisuální Produkce uploaded a new media, Juno: Mission to Jupiter 360 Video (Narrated)
9 years ago